Price upon request.
A beautiful flower basket in the shape of a mallet, in olive green coloured bamboo. The mallet section is woven into repeating figure-of-eight patterns; the body rises out of these figures of eight into large open diamonds that extend up the neck of the basket.
Bamboo art has a strong connection with Sencha tea and this basket’s design was created in the famous tea master Sen no Soshitsu’s (1893–1964) favourite style of basket. The hakogaki to the lid of the tomobako states that the basket was "made in the style coveted by the tea master Tantansai, bamboo basket in the shape of a mallet" (Tantansai is an affectionate name given to Sen no Soshitsu by his followers).
Basket, unsigned.
Circa 1950–1960
Hakogaki to the tomobako lid
"Made in the style coveted by the tea master Tantansai, bamboo basket in the shape of a mallet, Chikubisai, Heian (Kyoto)", with two seals: “fine crafts” and “Chikubisai”.
Chikubisai II (born in Showa 9, 1934), original name: Ishida Masaichi. He succeeded as head of the family business at the age of 35, and went on to teach at the Kyoto Dento Kogei Daigakko (Kyoto Traditional Art Crafts College).
If you are interested in purchasing this basket you can contact me via the details below.
Phone or Whatsapp: +447534 423 803
Web: Click Here (quote title)