A four-case inro bearing a gold fundame ground and designed in takamaiki with aogai accents. The internal compartments are rendered in nashiji.
To the front, a male peafowl with his full plumage on display and a flowering azalea to one side. The design sprawls onto the verso where a diminutive female bird is obscured from view by the larger male. The eyes of the male’s plumage are inlaid with an array of purples, blues, greens and pearl-coloured Aogai.
Circa 1830 - 1850
Signed - Hasegawa Shigeyoshi
Size: 7.6cm
If you would like to enquire further about this inro you can use the following methods:
Phone or Whatsapp: +447534 423 803
Email: robert@willford-ja.co.uk
Web: Click Here